
Health Innovation Campus - Design Team Development for Signage Installation

Work begins on Iterations of the Algorithm Generated Signage Guidance

In discussion with the new Director of the Health Innovation Campus (HIC), Sherry Kothari, ImaginationLancaster worked to test and implement the social distancing signage in the new campus building.

Design development was again a difficult task due to the lack of face to face contact, but timely responses from both sides allowed three iterations of the algorithm to occur, with approval on the third generation!

In the first HIC Director’s blog, Sherry welcomes the project to the HIC as an important signal of intent in providing world-leading health research on campus.

“…And as we prepare to open up, we hope to be able to showcase a first example of multidisciplinary collaboration with Professor Des Fagan, from Lancaster University’s Architecture department. He has developed an innovative tool to design generative distancing in response to social distancing guidelines, providing businesses with the ability to respond swiftly to changes in layout, use of space and signage. Watch this space…literally!…”

Sherry Kothari, Director Health Innovation Campus