This little book is about creating value in the Internet of Things (IoT) within the digital economy. We explain why it is important to understand how the IoT will transform value creation and how we can use design to mediate value. Based on our research for the Harnessing Economic Value theme of PETRAS Cybersecurity of the Internet of Things Research Hub, this little book will discuss:
• The digital economy and how this differs from traditional economic models
• What we mean by value in the digital economy
• What we mean by the Internet of Things
• How value is created in the digital economy and the important role design plays in this process
• How design can add value in the IoT.
• Sphere: A new approach for designing IoT products and services
• Bitbarista: A new approach to data access and usage for the design of IoT device
• Geocoin: How to create a shared environment for speculative seating and collaborative designing
This book is based on our research conducted for the PETRAS Cybersecurity of the Internet of Things Research Hub funded by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council under grant EP/N02334X/1. The aim of PETRAS is to explore critical issues in privacy, ethics, trust, reliability, acceptability, and security.
Citation: Speed, Lee, and Hands (2019) ‘ The Little Book of CREATING VALUE through DESIGN in the IoT‘ imagination Lancaster, Lancaster University, Lancaster. ISBN 978-1-86220-357-0.