Kiel Long
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, January 2018 to August 2018 Human-Computer Interaction, Interactive artefact design, Designing for health and wellbeing, Mindfulness and Mindlessness

Kiel’s research and practice centres upon the understanding and design of digital interactions to augment or improve experiences, understanding, reflection or wellbeing; typically through physical artefacts or less commonplace modes of interaction. His current research holds lens to digital technologies role in socio-political issues, such as Othering, and mounting societal challenges of Social Isolation and Health and Wellbeing support.
Kiel’s doctoral research (Understanding, Designing, and Invoking Mindfulness and Mindlessness During Human-Computer Interaction – HighWire CDT Lancaster University) questioned how interface and interaction design can invoke and enhance Mindful and Mindless interactions; and how these might improve users understanding and experience. He also holds an M.A. in Creative Music Practice and an M.Res. in Digital Innovation.
His broader research interests centre upon understanding and improving experience and knowledge for users of interactive technologies. His practice involves physical computing, including prototype design, development and implementation (software and hardware), interactive media, and bio-feedback interactive systems.