Published by Bloomsbury Academic
July 2013
Editors: Stuart Walker (ImaginationLancaster) and Jacques Giard (Arizona State University)

Sustainability has emerged as a central issue for contemporary societies and for the world community as a whole. Furthermore, many of the social and environmental concerns that are embodied in the term ‘sustainability’ are directly or indirectly related to design. Designers help to define our human made environment – how it is produced, how it is used, and how long it endures. Despite some forty years of development and increased awareness of the critical relationships that exist between design decisions and modes of production, energy use, environmental impacts, the nature of work and human exploitation, design for sustainability is still not widely understood or followed. The Handbook of Design for Sustainability presents a comprehensive, state-of-the-art overview of this crucial subject – its development, its methods, its practices and its potential futures.
Bringing together leading international scholars and new researchers to provide a substantive insight into the latest thinking and research within the field, The Handbook covers a breadth of historical and theoretical understandings and includes a series of original essays that explore methods and approaches for designers and design educators.
The Handbook presents the first systematic overview of the subject that, in addition to methods and examples, includes historical perspectives, philosophical approaches, business analyses, educational insights and emerging thinking. It is an invaluable resource for design researchers and students as well as design practitioners and private and public sector organizations wishing to develop more sustainable directions.
Foreword, John Thackara
General Introduction: Design for Sustainability, Stuart Walker and Jacques Giard
Editorial Introduction, Jacques Giard and Stuart Walker
1 The Roots of Unsustainability, John R. Ehrenfeld
2 Post-Materialism, Freya Mathews
3 Making Sustainability Up: Design Beyond Possibility, Aidan Davison
4 Developing Theories for Sustainable Design, Dennis Doordan
5 The Emergence of Design for Sustainability: And Onward and Upward…, Janis Birkeland
6 I Miss the Hungry Years: Coping with Abundance, Albert Borgmann
Editorial Introduction, Stuart Walker and Jacques Giard
7 Sustainability – Methods and Practices, Tracy Bhamra et al
8 Integrating Sustainability in Design Education, Jacques Giard and Deborah Schneiderman
9 Sustainability, Consumption and the Throwaway Culture, Tim Cooper
10 Why Sustainable Consumers Don’t Care Much about Green Products, Anne Marchand
11 Design, Sustainability and Marketing, Dorothy Mackenzie
12 The Role of Design-Led Knowledge Exchange in Supporting Eco-Innovators, Anne Chick
Editorial Introduction , Jacques Giard and Stuart Walker
13 Architecture: Building for Sustainability or Spirit Nurture? Christopher Day
14 Principles of Sustainable Dwellings and Community Design, Avi Friedman
15 Design for Territorial Ecology: Feeding Milano Project, Ezio Manzini and Anna Meroni
16 Sustainable Urban Futures, Rachel Cooper and Chris Boyko
17 Educational Experience in Design for Sustainability, Maria Cecilia Loschiavo dos Santos
18 Sustainable Fashion, Kate Fletcher
19 A New Design Ethic for a New Reality, JohnPaul Kusz
Editorial Introduction , Stuart Walker and Jacques Giard
20 Sustainability and the Condition of Being Human, Alexander Manu
21 Sustainability: Context and Design, Shashank Mehta
22 Shè Jì – Change for Sustainable Futures, Lou Yongqi
23 Emotionally Sustaining Design, Jonathan Chapman
24 I am a User, Not a Consumer, Gijs Bakker and Louise Schouwenberg
25 Design Sleepwalking: Critical Inquiry in Design, Craig Badke and Stuart Walker
26 Critical Agendas: Designing for Sustainability from Products to Systems, Chris Ryan
27 Metadesigning Paradigm Change, John Wood
28 Imagination’s Promise: Practice-Based Design Research for Sustainability, Stuart Walker
29 Design Activism: Challenging the Paradigm, Alastair Fuad-Luke
30 Design for Cyber-Sustainability, Bran Knowles, Stuart Walker and Lynne Blair
31 Emerging Directions, Tony Fry
32 Literature and the Environment, John Ralston Saul