Rachel Cooper OBE is Distinguished Professor of Design Management and Policy at Lancaster University. She is a Director of ImaginationLancaster, an open and exploratory design-led research centre conducting applied and theoretical research into people, products, places and their interactions, and also Chair of Lancaster institute for the Contemporary Arts. Professor Cooper’s research interests cover: design thinking; design management; design policy; and across all sectors of industry, a specific interest in design for wellbeing and socially responsible design. She has published extensively on these topics, including books ‘Designing Sustainable Cities’ and ‘The Handbook of Wellbeing and the Environment’. She is also series editor of the Routledge series Design for Social Responsibility covering topics such as designing for sustainability, inclusivity, service design, sport, health, transport and policy. She was founding editor of The Design Journal and also founding President of the European Academy of Design.
Rachel is an advocate for the application of design research across many fields. Her research interests cover: design thinking; design management; design policy; and across all sectors of industry, a specific interest in design for wellbeing and socially responsible design. She has attracted over £25m in research funding and has published extensively on these topics, and is currently a lead partner on the EPSRC PETRAS Centre programme
Professor Cooper has undertaken several advisory roles to national and international universities, government and non-governmental organisations. She was a member of Infrastructure and Environment Strategic Advisory Team of the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) until 2005. She has also chaired EPSRC commissioning panels on Crime and the cross council review of UK National Collaboration on Ageing Research programme and she was mentor on EPSRC Sandpits on Mobile Health and Countering Terrorism in 2006/7. She is currently a member of EPSRC Strategic Advisory Network. Professor Cooper was UK Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) panel convenor for visual arts and media practice, history, theory Postgraduate awards between 2000 & 2005, and sat on the Council of the AHRC (2000/10). She was also a member of the advisory panel on the AHRC/ESRC’s Cultures of Consumption programme and chairs the advisory panel for the AHRC/EPSRC’s ‘Designing for the 21st Century’ initiative. She was a member of the UK Research Assessment Exercise Panel for Art and Design in 2008 and 2014 chaired the research review panel for art, design architecture and media for Aalto University, (2009) and is currently chair of Aalto School of Arts Strategic Advisory Board and was a member of the Research Assessment exercise for Gothenburg University 2010. In 2011 she was invited to be a member of the European Design Innovation Initiative Leadership Board that produced recommendations on Design for Prosperity and Growth for the EU. She was amember of the Blackett Review of the Internet of Things 2014.
She is a also Visiting Professor at the Royal College of Art (RCA)and a member of RCA Council. Professor Cooper was a Lead Expert for the UK Government Foresight programme on the Future of Cities, is on the Academy of Medical Sciences Working group addressing ‘The Health of the Public 2040’ and is a member of the Partnership for Prevention Sciences Steering Group. She is the Royal Society representative member of the Scientific Committee for Health and Wellbeing in the Changing Urban Environment – an International Council for Science Programme co-sponsored with the United Nations University (UNU) and the InterAcademy Medical Panel (IAMP).
Latest Updates from Rachel Cooper
Inclusive Design
Interview with the Major Projects Association
House of Commons meeting on the Internet of Things and the Evolution of Smart Technologies
Pete Rai, Cisco, Mark Prisk MP and Rachel Cooper OBE, meet to explore the potential of connectivity posed by the continued growth of the Internet of Things (IoT)
Projects from Rachel Cooper
Urban Futures
Design for Recovery and Resilience: COVID and post-COVID design
Global design response database for COVID-19
Beyond Imagination
Providing fresh perspectives on real world issues and facilitating innovation
Design Research Works
Design Research for the 21st Century
Next Generation Sustainability in Civil Engineering
Helping industry, educators and policy makers think about sustainable futures
Design For Europe
Design For Europe aims to increase the use of design for innovation and growth across Europe
Design Value: The Role of Design in Innovation
Exploring the roles design can play in innovation and the conditions enabling those roles
N8: New Thinking from the North
Stimulating reinvention and influencing economic growth across the North
Urban Smart Lancaster
Creative IDEAS
Innovative Mechanisms for Knowledge Sharing
DeEP: Design in European Policy
Evaluating and Sharing Design Innovation Policies for European Growth
ServDes 2014
Service Design and Innovation Conference at Lancaster University
London Creative and Digital Fusion
Ambitious £5m project to inspire and support growth in the digital industries
Lancaster China Catalyst Programme
Lancaster University is embarking on a new initiative to leverage its global reach for the benefit of UK businesses
Design In Practice
Flexibility and change for healthcare service providers
Liveable Cities
Transforming the Engineering of Cities for Global and Societal Wellbeing
Privacy, Ethics, Trust, Reliability, Acceptability, and Security
Creating Innovative People for Radical Change
Creative Exchange
Creating New Contexts for Growth in the Experience Economy