This project seeks to tell the story of the Wray Broadband project in a fairly unusual fashion: through the construction of a digitally enhanced ‘scarecrow’ to take part in the annual village scarecrow festival in May 2013. In addition, a augmented reality time machine application to display a ‘virtual festival’ showcasing scarecrows from revious festivals. All the scarecrow designs and the application development will form part of the eventual documentary.

Related updates
scARecrow Time Machine available on the App Store
Use this Augmented Reality application to find scarecrows hidden in both space and time throughout your local environment. These scarecrows are from the annual scarecrow festival held in the village of Wray in Lancashire in the UK
ScareBot goes to Wray Scarecrow Festival
ScareBot unveiled at the 2013 Wray Scarecrow Festival
ScareBot takes shape
Down in the lab scarebot rises from the slab!
ScareBot construction
Fabrication of main digital scarecrow parts done!