
Time for a New Year's home energy resolution

Have you thought about a New Year's home energy resolution?

The New Year brings often hope and promise for change!

In an effort to help households in the UK think about how much energy is consumed, we have created a New Resolution Energy Calendar!

Packed with visuals and a number of really playful activities the New Resolution Energy Calendar is aimed at finding out more about how energy is used in people’s life in order to help us create better and more energy efficient homes and technologies for the future.

The activities, such as ‘stop the meter!’, ‘Chill out!’, ‘A friendlier wash’, etc., are intended to help our research participants reflect upon and share their thoughts on how energy is used in their home.

The first of our New Resolution Energy Calendars are already out. If you want to participate in the study or find out more, contact a member of the team.