
UK IEG Committee

Invitation as co-opted ordinary committee member

In September 2020, Alejandro was invited to collaborate as part of the committee for the UK Indoor Environments Group (UK IEG). The UK IEG is an interdisciplinary network of professionals working in the field of health, wellbeing and indoor environments. UK IEG is committed to promoting the development, synthesis, dissemination and application of evidence relating to policy and practice in the UK indoor built environment,  with the ultimate aim of improving health and wellbeing.

The fact that people spend the vast majority of their time inside buildings – at home, at work, in vehicles, shops, etc. – is widely acknowledged. Yet, while the outdoor environment has received much attention, the importance of the quality of the indoor environment concerning human health and wellbeing is often unrecognised and under-researched. Moreover, addressing problems relating to the indoor environment, which might include issues as diverse as indoor air quality, lighting, ventilation and thermal comfort, physical and mental health, comfort and wellbeing, requires a highly multidisciplinary approach and involves numerous different stakeholders. Yet there is a fundamental lack of mutual understanding around the notions of ‘health’ and ‘wellbeing’ within the context of indoor environments, and little understanding of how to support health and wellbeing indoor using an evidence-based approach and in a sustainable manner. This lack of coordination and alignment cuts across policy, research and professional practice.