
ImaginAging work to be presented in Sydney

at the 4S - TRANSnational Science and Technology Studies conference

Dr Clarissa Lee will be presenting the ImaginAging work in Making and Doing Exhibition of the 4S – TRANSnational Science and Technology Studies (STS) in Sydney this August.

The presentation will cover the three modes ascribed to the Making and Doing Session: Methods Practice; Issues, People and Publics; and Performance and Affect.

For the first mode, we are applying speculative design/design fiction to a data collection process on an important STS issue, which is aging (here, we are using a method of interest to STS to consider an object that is also very much a part of STS’s epistemic engagement).

For the second mode involving data collection, we intend to empower the subjects of our investigation, being the senior citizens located in Malaysia, to participate as co-designers of their plausible futures.

For the third mode, the prototypes to be produced will have an affective engagement through their ability to produce an immersive multi-modal experience that aims to capture and portray the affective and creative labour of the participants involved in co-designing futures for themselves and the next generation of senior citizens.

A poster explaining the research process leading to the product will also be included. For more information click here.