During the ImaginAging workshops food and nutrition was identified as a critical issue to be tackled by policy. Several ideas were discussed and developed. Reducing the amount of sugar consumption in all foods was highlighted as a key area of focus of future policy. This led one of the workshop groups to develop the ‘Sugar-free Malaysia 2050″ speculative design concept.
Speculative Newspaper and Product Catalogue for Sugar-free Malaysia 2050

The ‘Sugar-free Malaysia 2050″ speculative design concept comprises of two speculative design prototypes. A speculative design newspaper with two front headline covers. Set in 2050 one of theses presents the benefits this policy initiative have brought to Malaysia in terms of health, economic and social development. An alternative version of the newspaper, also set in 2050, presents what will happen if nothing is done and high sugar consumption continues in Malaysia.
A speculative design product catalogue was also developed. This presents a future product, which removes any processed sugar content from drinks and food, showing that a new market may emerge in this area.
These speculative design prototypes are aimed to generate public debate about the effects of sugar in food in Malaysia and ways that this can be tacked at policy level. The speculative design prototypes can be downloaded below.