
Spreading the Net - ImaginationLab with Senior Managers from Huddersfield University

Building on the ImaginationNets approach to promoting innovation through networks we developed and delivers this workshop and toolkit in a the Imagination facilitation space

ImaginationNets is a series of tools we have developed over the past 3 years, and in particular with the IDEAS collaboration at Daresbury Science and Innovation Campus. These tools we built in collaboration with Dr. Marzia Morttati from Poletecnio Milano. Liz Towns-Andrews was a stong supporter of our at Daresbury, she has recently moved to Huddersfield University to take up a position as Director of Research and Enterprise. She commisioned us to do a piece of research to investigate haw the ImaginationNets concept can be communicated to her innovation team as part of the development of their £12 million innovation centre. Linking academia and buisnesses in Hudersfield this looks like a really exciting new initative. The research culminated in an ImaginationLab in order to understand how the ImaginationNets toolkit can be applied in a range of contexts.

We are sure this is the start of an on-going collaboration between Imagination and Huddersfield University, with lots of possibilities for fruitful activities in the future.