
Lets Do it together: Co-Design Practices

Dutch design week is fast becoming one of the highlights of the global design calendar highlights

The UK partners were a (small) part of this this year through the running of a master class on co-design (more of this another time) but also in a conference called ‘Lets Do It Together: Co-Design Practices’ drawing on co-design case studies from inside and outside the PROUD project.

We talked about our Beyond the Castle project and somewhat ambitiously we decided that we wanted to include an academic, our co-design manager and a co-designer in the 15 minute presentation. This required some strict discipline for non of us to get too enthusiastic and over talk their part of the presentation. Luckily Gemma Coupe (our co-design manager) and Andy Darby (the co-designer that travelled with us) were spot on in terms of delivery (I just did the open and closing wrapping to little chance for me to mess thinks up.

We did our best to capture the scope of our co-design process, spread across 5 events and involving over 500 people so far while also capturing some of the 12 tools we have developed specifically for the Beyond the Castle project. We hope you like the presentation attached.

This complimented well the other presentations looking at the redesign of a railway station in Eindhoven, the promotion of a sustainability approach to design and the other projects presented during the session.


Beyond the Castle Presentation