
New Leapfrog Tools Shared with Local Charities

This morn­ing Leapfrog Research Asso­ciate, Laura vis­ited a small group of char­ity vol­un­teers at their offices in Lan­caster to share with them infor­ma­tion about the Leapfrog project and four tools

Three of the four tools, Every­body, The Right Ideas and Word Play have recently been devel­oped through co-design work­shops with ser­vice deliv­er­ers from Lan­caster City Coun­cil.  The other tool shared was Visual Voice, a tool that has recently been shared through the Make it Stick workshops.

In the meet­ing, there were four vol­un­teers from dif­fer­ent char­i­ties work­ing with vul­ner­a­ble groups, includ­ing Jayne from Out in the Bay, a char­ity offer­ing sup­port to les­bian, gay, bisex­ual and tran­sex­ual peo­ple, Raquel from Mak­ing Space, a char­ity sup­port­ing peo­ple with men­tal health prob­lems and learn­ing dis­abil­i­ties and Andy and Apphia from Here 2 Sup­port, a char­ity that helps peo­ple access ser­vices and ben­e­fits. Laura explained what each tool was, dif­fer­ent ways it could be used and how the group could access the tools.  In return, Jayne, Raquel, Andy and Apphia had lots of ideas of how they could use the tools with dif­fer­ent groups of peo­ple.  For exam­ple, we talked about how Every­body would be great for record­ing how some­one with men­tal health was feel­ing over a period of time and with each meet­ing, plac­ing the responses into  the sealed enve­lope to show how they pro­gressed.  We also talked about using The Right Ideas tool for young LGBT peo­ple to anony­mously ask ques­tions for the char­ity to answer and using Word Play to explore sex­ual health themes.

Each mem­ber of the group left with a folder full of free mate­ri­als they could start to exper­i­ment with when meet­ing with peo­ple who use their ser­vices.  We are look­ing for­ward to see­ing how they use the mate­ri­als in the future!